Spy gadgets have graduated from science fiction and children’s toys to serious applications as weapons wielded by some divorcing spouses. With scientific advances that make it easier for hidden technology, such as recording and tracking devices, spouses undergoing divorce are increasingly adopting these tools for their own investigative purposes.
With such gadgets so widely available, and at a low price in many cases, it is relatively easy for divorcing spouses to turn to such tactics to gain leverage against their soon-to-be ex.
One such example concerned a man who found a recording device sewn into his young son’s jeans. Outraged over the surveillance tactics, he filed a lawsuit against his ex for violating federal wiretap laws. The recordings had covered a range of conversations, including those with attorneys, therapists and other people with close relations to the families. The conversations also covered child custody and child support discussions.
According to experts, it is easiest to prove criminal violations by claiming an invasion of privacy. And the results can take a bite out of the spying party’s property division efforts, in some cases resulting in substantial payments for damages.
The development underscores the importance of some Georgia couples to be wary of spying tactics in this day and age. Because anything you do or say could be recorded at any time, it is important to monitor how you act and speak even when you believe you are alone.
Spying, though, is illegal, and if you suspect such actions on the part of your ex-spouse, discuss the possibility and your suspicions with your lawyer to determine an appropriate course of action.
Source: Chron.com, “Spy gadgets infiltrate divorces as domestic snooping booms,” Mike Tolson, April 29, 2012