In today’s society, higher incomes and more income-earning opportunities for women have leveled the playing field when it comes to divorce settlements. It’s no longer an automatic assumption that men will be the ones paying alimony and child support. Men and women often enter into divorce proceedings and divorce court on an even playing field — and that’s essential for both sides to keep in mind.
That doesn’t mean the end result will always be fair, though. In Georgia and across the country, there are a number of variables that are considered regarding property division, child custody and other sticking points. Income, employment and the ability to serve as a parent to children are all key focuses of any divorce case.
So is your personal conduct and behavior. If you want to get the best results in a divorce case, how you handle yourself must be the subject of your own scrutiny.
First off, being honest and fair is essential in a divorce case. Hiding investments, accounts or other assets can backfire on you considerably if your plan gets uncovered. You may cringe at giving up even more funds to your spouse, but the cost of a failed attempt at swindling your soon-to-be ex will cost you much more in the long run.
And even though the temptation to move out of your residence is strong, don’t do it — especially if you own the property. The cost of paying for two residences at once can be far greater than just one. Even though it might be tough to handle emotionally, it often ends up being a worthwhile sacrifice.
Finally, make sure other observable behavior — including anything logged on social media — is not inflammatory, degrading or otherwise upsetting to your spouse. Until the divorce is finalized, this can only hurt your case.
Source: Huffington Post, “The male side of divorce: What men need to know,” Silvana D. Raso, Aug. 7, 2012