Many persons contemplating a Georgia divorce believe that the process for doing so is standard and monolithic, that is, divorcing parties hire attorneys and litigate all relevant aspects of their dissolution in court and in a formalized manner.
Although that is certainly true in many cases and representative of what might be termed the “customary” divorce process, the avenues for pursuing and ultimately obtaining a divorce are in fact multiple and comprised of distinct features.
Those features can allow a divorcing couple to participate much more meaningfully throughout the divorce process, exercising very real controls on the timing, pace, expense and outcome of their negotiations.
Some broad-based and deeply experienced family law firms have a proven acumen across the universe of divorce options and processes, with attorneys being able to discuss with a client what will truly make the most sense in his or her particular case.
Divorce mediation might be a viable process in some instances, for example, Family law commentators are noting with increased frequency that mediated divorce, which enables a divorcing couple to directly control the outcome outside the purview of a court through the assistance of a neutral third-party mediator, can often yield significant savings in terms of cost and time when compared to a traditional litigated divorce.
Not all law firms have a specially trained and certified mediator on board, but those that do can discuss with a client the potential advantages that might accrue through mediated divorce.
Some divorced couples looking back are truly thankful that a mediated process allowed them to skip court.
Source: Fox, “How to make your divorce cheaper,” Andrea Murad, May 16, 2013