There are several reasons couples get divorced but a new study indicates that how often and how early a couple start arguing about finances could increase the risk of divorce.
Arguments about money and finances is the top predictor of divorce in the U.S., according to the study by an assistant professor at Kansas State University. Couples often fight about their children, sex and other family members, but fighting about money is the number one reason couples get divorced.
The study surveyed 4,500 couples and found that it is harder for couples to reconnect and recover from arguments over money compared to any other type of argument between the couple. Researchers said that this is because arguments over finances are usually more intense and couples use harsher language with each other.
Couples who argue about money and other financial issues early on in their marriage are likely to continue having arguments over money. This can damage the couple’s satisfaction with their relationship and can lead to couples getting divorced.
The researchers said that newlywed couples may benefit from using a financial planner to help discuss their financial goals and issues they will face during their marriage. They also said that it is important for spouses to understand their financial situation, including how much debt and wealth each spouse has coming into the marriage.
For couples who have already decided to get divorced, it is beneficial for each spouse to get their own divorce attorney. Individuals getting divorced should discuss the financial issues they will have to address, including asset and property division during divorce proceedings.
Source: Phys Org, “Study reveals early financial arguments are a predictor of divorce,” July 12, 2013