Coweta County, on the outskirts of the Atlanta area, has tried a unique solution for bringing parents together when child support disputes arise. The county has set up what it refers to as a problem solving court that is intended to motivate parents to be better providers and to get both parents to work together in placing their children first.
Without question, children are generally better off if both parents participate in their upbringing. One participant told a story of being addicted to methamphetamine and being absent from his children’s life. He has since become an assistant minister who claims to support his children and fully participate in their lives.
There is a graduation program for parents who successfully complete this program. The graduates are praised by the Child Support Services Director for the county. There are also a number of other guest speakers that participate in the ceremony.
We appreciate new approaches like this that will help reduce child support disputes. We’ve long held that all child support considerations must revolve around the needs of the children. The complexity of the child support calculations can revolve around whether the child has special needs, what sort of custody arrangement is in place, etc. The actual amount paid needs to accurately reflect what is required to take care of the child.
Family law attorneys understand that laws and guidelines regarding child support in our state are evolving and cannot just be based upon a formula. Every child custody and support circumstance is unique. While attorneys can help parents understand all of their various options, they can also facilitate agreement between parents as well.
Source:, “Coweta Child Support Court Holds Graduation,” Wes Mayer, Oct. 27, 2013