The United States is unquestionably a nation that likes to commemorate occasions, ideas, heritages and special concerns by underscoring their importance through formal naming designations marked by particular months each year.
For example, Stalking Awareness Month is just one of many formally designated areas of concern that is commemorated each January. In February, American Heart Month is noted. Women’s History Month comes to the fore in March, with Prevent Child Abuse Month being noted in April.
And so on and so on.
A recent CNN article on marital dissolution notes that some experts in the field might suggest that January be denoted as “I’m Starting to Research My Options Month” for persons across the country, including in Georgia, who are contemplating divorce.
The reason: Relevant statistics indicate a surge in divorce-related activity during this month each year, following the winter season and holidays.
Apparently, not many people want to jump into the divorce process and negotiations when the kids are on break, parties are in full swing and the presents are under the tree.
That’s where January comes in, with scrutiny of divorce filings in recent years revealing that the divorce focus sharpens for many people following the calendar’s progression to a new year.
Actually, a study indicates that January’s upward tick in divorce interest continues to spike throughout the early months each year, with late March showing the highest level of divorce activity.
Reportedly, about 40 percent of all divorces in the United States are finalized in the first three months each year.
Source: CNN, “In January, ‘ex’ marks the spot,” Sarah LeTrent, Jan. 17, 2014