If you’re a Georgia spouse and parent who is about to get divorced and knows little — or nothing — about the process, you might be harboring some ungrounded notions about post-dissolution life.
One of those might concern logistics regarding the kids. Perhaps you think that you and your soon-to-be ex will each have refrigerators in your respective abodes that will be virtually bathed in yellow from hurriedly scratched post-it notes regarding pick-up times, school and sports activities, vacation schedules and so forth.
That’s not how it works in Georgia, especially as relates to child custody outcomes and judicial determinations. There is something called a parenting plan, the completion of which is mandatory for divorcing couples in the state.
You’ll be glad to be introduced to it, since a court will require that it centrally considers the best interests of your children, a standard that parents — especially divorcing spouses — can certainly get on board with.
Parenting plans and many other child custody-related matters (for example, shared versus sole custody, relocations and additionally relevant matters) are discussed on a state-sponsored family law website that nicely serves as an introduction to custody issues most divorcing partners face.
Given that knowledge is indeed power, some pre-divorce familiarity with legal rules and processes is advisable and can actually be quite comforting. Divorce is, after all, an uncertain and stressful event for most separating couples.
Although the learning curve might be steep, relevant information is readily available.
Importantly, so too is strong legal representation from a proven Georgia divorce attorney. Among other bits of advice offered on the above-cited website is the recommendation that divorcing parties consider contacting a family law lawyer for the singular acumen and client-tailored representation that he or she can provide.