Marital breakups across the country, including in Georgia, are certainly not cookie-cutter events. That is, divorce in one instance might seem entirely devoid of drama or any material issues at all when viewed from a post-split perspective, with the parting in another case being drama personified.
In some breakups, property division is of paramount concern, whereas the division of assets is a minor matter and something easily disposed of in some other divorce proceedings. Is alimony a concern? Maybe — but maybe not. In some divorces, a marital contract — such as a prenuptial agreement — takes center stage. In others, there might be very few documents or other correspondence to consider at all.
Where kids are concerned, though, there is often great commonality in divorce proceedings, both from the perspective of how a judge interprets and rules upon child-centered matters and how parents proceed in the process.
That is, few people would ever disagree with the time-honored legal notion that what promotes the best interests of children in a divorce is the guideline for what should happen.
According to one family law commentator expressing views in a recent media piece, it’s really not that difficult to tell whether those interests have been fully considered and nurtured following divorce.
Just take a look at your child. Is he or she sociable and proactive or sullen and withdrawn? Does your child seem fearful about unfolding events or relatively secure? Is he or she making efforts to maintain friends, stick with sports and music and keep up with school activities, or seemingly abandoning customary passions?
Kids thrive when the ground beneath them is firm and when the past, present and future seem logically connected in ways that allow for them to behave confidently in life.
Divorce certainly alters routines and can be jarring for kids. Children are typically resilient, though, and can thrive going forward when they know that things are relatively predictable and will be OK despite an obvious emergence of new factors and ongoing adjustments to be made.
Source: Huffington Post, “10 signs your kid is adjusting well to the divorce,” Wendi Schuller, July 20, 2014