The question posed in the above headline begs another query, namely this: How complex is your divorce?
That in turn leads to additionally related questions, most of them centered on matters involving the identification, valuation and equitable division of property in your dissolution proceeding.
A recent media focus on complex financial considerations asks interesting questions about the parties you might need on your “divorce team” to render professional advice as you work through various matters en route to a final divorce decree.
You obviously need a lawyer for a divorce in Georgia or elsewhere, and a good one. “Good” in a family law sense means an impassioned and knowledgeable attorney who has helped many clients obtain optimal outcomes in their divorce matters. It also implies that attorney’s close familiarity with wide-ranging considerations that can crop up during divorce negotiations. Those can relate to parenting plans, visitation, custody, support and more.
Back to that accountant-related question. If you and your spouse accumulated valuable and myriad types of property during your marriage, you will of course want to divulge all the essential details to your attorney. If you properly vetted that professional, he or she commands substantial experience in asset division matters and can help identify, value and seek an equitable accounting of all property
In a divorce marked by truly complex property division, those assets can range from realty holdings, heirlooms and pensions to stock options, a family business, multiple savings accounts and more.
An experienced divorce lawyer is often well equipped to deal with all property-related dimensions that arise. In the event that, say, a forensic accountant’s services might be needed to identify hidden wealth or uncover other ethical behavior on the part of a soon-to-be ex, you and your attorney can candidly discuss the possibility and, if necessary, bring that professional on board.