We have commented in past select blog posts on the organic nature of divorce and the highly variable issues that might feature in a given case in Georgia or elsewhere.
As we have noted, the term “boilerplate” is not an apt depiction for divorce generally, which differs in every instance and materially in high numbers of cases. Quite frankly, that variability is a fundamental reason why many divorcing couples would find going it alone in a divorce with a do-it-yourself kit containing standard inclusions to be a flatly useless endeavor.
Imagine two people at a dinner party, both involved in divorce negotiations with an impending ex. One of them is a 20-something, with young and — for obvious reasons — totally dependent children. The other is a baby boomer and empty nester on the cusp of retirement. Would any divorce-related conversation they might have likely be marked by similarities in their situations or subject matter that is highly differentiated?
That latter case is of course correct, with the scenario underscoring the reality that different demographical groups tend to have highly disparate divorce issues they must deal with.
As noted in a recent article on divorce considerations for senior-aged persons, the difference in the divorce focus can be magnified across a broad spectrum of matters. That young parent alluded to above will likely want to have candid and even soul-searching discussions with his or her attorney about custody outcomes and child support arrangements. The boomer, well, he or she couldn’t care less; the kids left the house long ago and now have jobs and families of their own.
Commentators on family law often point out that divorcing seniors have a highly singular and age-specific set of divorce-related issues that they must often contend with.
We will take a look at some of them in our next blog post