After a divorce, you may have a child who is willing to test the boundaries you have set in order to get what he or she wants. However, because of the child custody laws in Georgia, your child may have another tool to use in attempting to get you to give in. This is owing to the fact that the court considers your child’s wishes when determining what is in his or her best interests, particularly after the age of 11. At the Siemon Law Firm, we understand that this factor could even lead to a modification of an existing child custody order.
The Charlotte Observer notes that if you and your child’s other parent are able to communicate, you are more likely to be able to co-parent effectively. This may be enough to prevent a manipulative threat from carrying undue weight. While it may be difficult or impossible for you to approve all of your ex-spouse’s parenting methods, both of you – and your child – may reap the benefits of your cooperation.
Providing guidance to your child without damaging your relationship may be difficult, particularly when your child is challenging your authority. A bid to live with the other parent may be a natural part of the independence-seeking behavior that teenagers often engage in, though, and not a true desire to alter living arrangements.
Taking away your child’s ability to play favorites between you and your ex-spouse may be enough to eliminate the threat of change. However, it may also be wise to be open to the idea that there may come a time when your relationship with your child may benefit from living primarily with the other parent. For more information about child custody modifications, please visit our web page.