As the parent of a teenager, you may believe that your Georgia divorce will not be as emotionally traumatic because of your child’s age. However, while younger children do typically have fewer coping skills to deal with the separation, teenagers may suffer just as acutely. We at the Siemon Law Firm are aware of the adjustments that young adults face during a divorce.
According to Psychology Today, all children are emotionally impacted by divorce, regardless of their age. Your teen may be undergoing a significant amount of stress, anxiety and even depression while going through the normal process of identity formation during high school. The beliefs that emerge as a result include how the adolescent feels about personal values, weaknesses and strengths, and when you announce your divorce, this is likely to change the way all of these things are perceived. Understanding these factors may help you identify ways that you can help your teen adapt.
Because social groups are so important at this stage, and because he or she will already be facing so many other changes, you may want to do what you can to prevent your child from having to change schools. There are many things about the circumstances that are outside your teen’s control, so it may be helpful to allow him or her to make choices where possible. This may include input on the living situation, and what professional counselor to talk to.
Honesty is usually the best policy, and that includes being open about decisions, events and other issues that may affect your teen. For example, if the divorce will significantly affect your financial situation and that of the other parent, it may be best to have a discussion about the changes that you will need to make as a result. More information about the best interests of children during divorce is available on our web page.