When we watch others go through divorce, things may seem pretty simple and straightforward. They file for divorce, negotiate the terms and wait for the judge to sign off. Before you know it, they are off on a weekend trip celebrating their split.
The reality, at least for the individuals who were directly involved in the divorce, may have been much different. The process usually starts months or even years before a couple makes the divorce public. One of the two individuals may have been considering filing for divorce and may have started doing the legwork far in advance. It is always a good idea to start researching and learning about the process ahead of time so you know what to expect.
In most cases, those involved end up having to pull up a lot of paperwork and have various meetings with their lawyers in order to sort through their assets. There may be negotiations that happen from week to week or the individuals may end up in mediation or court.
The process, no matter how quick, can often be stressful and cause a lot of emotional turmoil. While an attorney can help with the legal aspects of the divorce, individuals may end up turning to a psychologist, friend or counselor for emotional support.
Although the process can be difficult, preparation is truly the key. If you know what to expect and what kinds of outcomes may occur, it is oftentimes easier to handle the process from start to finish.