No matter how well parents in Georgia manage to hide the conflict of divorce from their children, the event itself upsets the security of a child’s life. A single transition can cause a sense of instability that leads to stress, but according to the Institute for Family Studies, a typical divorce is a major transition that often sets in motion other dramatic changes in a child’s life. Identifying multiple stress factors may be helpful in reducing them.
A move to a new home and school are often part of a divorce that increases the emotional strain in the child’s life. To mitigate the impact of these changes, parents may help children by ensuring that they are able to maintain contact with family and friends, which may be particularly reassuring if there is a move of significant distance.
Because the divorce creates stress in a parent’s life, it often reduces his or her decision-making capacity and impairs parenting skills during this time, and this contributes to the loss of the child’s sense of well-being. Both parents may find themselves with less time to spend on the child, especially if the divorce causes a change to their financial status.
According to Psychology Today, while parents may not be able to eliminate these sources of stress, they may still be able to restore some sense of stability through shared parenting. By working together and eliminating the child’s exposure to parental conflict, they may be able to recreate the stable home environment in the new living situations, with similar routines and predictable schedules.