Are you one of the many Georgia parents who is facing an impending divorce? If so, you no doubt have a myriad of questions surrounding the future of your time and relationship with your children. Understanding how the state approaches child custody is essential for you as you navigate through the divorce process.
If you have a child who is at least 14 years of age, you should know that the State of Georgia actually allows him or her to choose or indicate to the court which parent he or she would prefer to live with. This, however, is not a decision that can be made and unmade at just any time. Custody decisions of any nature are subject to review only once every other year. Therefore you’re child’s election at 14 may remain intact until he or she is 16. This is so for choices made the child or the court.
You and your partner will be required to develop a parenting plan. This must detail which one of you the children will be with on every day in a given year including during school breaks, family vacations and holidays. The plan should also provide stipulations about how children can remain in contact with a parent when with the other parent. Details about how, where and when kids will be physically exchanged between parents must also be part of the plan.
If you would like to learn more about child custody, please feel free to visit the parental relations and responsibilities page of our Georgia family law website.