Georgia moms and dads who must raise their children with a former spouse or partner know the ongoing challenge that doing this well can really be. Clearly couples that were unable to remain together in their relationships are likely to have troubles working collaboratively to raise their children after a split. However, it can be done and the benefit to children is known and more than worth the effort.
For people who have made better coparenting part of their New Year’s resolutions, following are some tips to help make this possible.
MindBodyGreen suggests that parents be willing to stop and look at things from the other parent’s point of view. In most cases, this will make a difference in how they see things and therefore in how they respond to things. Because it is in kids’ best interests to have strong relationships with both parents, moms and dads should work to encourage these bonds with their former partners. This can be done in small ways like even supporting kids in shopping for birthday presents for their mom or dad or letting them talk about time with their other parent.
Metro Parent suggests that when divorced parents feel frustrated with their exes, they should stop before responding. Taking the opportunity to pause and reflect often helps emotions dissipate and can result in softer and more productive conversations going forward. People who have friends or extended family members that speak negatively of a spouse may find it helpful to ask those people to hold their comments to themselves to facilitate more positive interactions.