If you are considering a divorce or entering into the divorce process, you might be wondering whether you need to work with a private investigator as part of your divorce.
Many people are reluctant to hire private investigators. There have been many television and movie representations of PIs that are less than savory, so this reluctance makes sense. However, if you work with an experienced lawyer and make smart decisions, a PI can be a helpful resource in your divorce matter.
Should I Hire a PI?
It depends on your situation. If you are divorcing on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown and you and your spouse already agree on the details of your divorce, there might not be a need for a private investigator.
However, if you are divorcing on other grounds, including adultery, drug addiction or alcoholism, hiring a PI could be a strong choice.
A private investigator can produce evidence of poor behavior from the other spouse, evidence that normally can be used in court. This evidence could help convince the court that your spouse has committed adultery, has substance abuse issues or is not fit for parenting.
Having strong evidence of such conduct can put you in a very strong bargaining position and could help you reach an agreement with your spouse, avoiding the time and expense of court all together.
How Should I Choose Which PI to Hire?
If you need a private investigator in your divorce case, you could either research on your own to find a PI or work through your attorney. However, it is much better to hire your PI through your attorney. An experienced lawyer will have at least one PI that has proven the ability to good work. Further, hiring the PI through your lawyer will ensure that you only have to hand over the evidence that benefits your case.
Further, if your PI is under the supervision of your lawyer, it can help minimize the possibility that your PI acts unethically, which could be harmful to you and your case.
Get the help you need by talking with a lawyer about your divorce as soon as possible.