For couples who are reaching retirement age, divorce might be an attractive option. However, there are some significant consequences and dangers that many people might not anticipate.
One of the primary risks involves financial security in your retirement years after a divorce. For many people, divorced and married, working during retirement years can be a great protection against some of the financial and personal dangers presented by late-life divorce.
Increase in Divorce for Older Couples
For many couples, the retirement years don’t turn out the way they expected. With the kids grown up and no more work responsibilities, many couples are finding they don’t want to be married any more.
The Washington post reported recently that divorce among couples 50 and over has doubled since the 1990s, and for those 65 and older, it has tripled.
During the divorce process, assets are divided, including retirement plans. When you divorce late in life, you could be looking at receiving roughly half of you retirement assets, maybe even less.
How Can Working During Retirement Protect Your Future?
There are a couple ways that working during your retirement years can help protect your interests.
First, working brings in income. Although this is obvious, it is important. With half of your retirement plan to draw from, keeping a steady income could keep you in the standard of living you are used to.
Second, working during retirement often gives people a healthier, happier life. Many people fade after they quit working because they need something to do and a way to keep contributing. Working after retirement could also give the chance to do something completely different from your original career, something you enjoy. In many cases, this approach helps retirement-age couples stay positive in life, and it has been known to help some couples avoid divorce in the first place.
Whatever approach you take, it is wise to at least consider working in your retirement years. In addition to protecting you financially, it could help you live a much happier life.